Anna in Aotearoa
Monday, May 02, 2011
Elizabeth turns 5
Elizabeth turned 5 in the middle of April and had a party up north and a party here in Manukau. Here she is at Chipmunks with her cousins and friends and Cornflake the Clown and Chipmunk.
Monday, April 25, 2011
It's been a long time.
Monday, May 08, 2006

Well not a lot happened lately, just wanted to share a new pic of Elizabeth who is developing so quickly and is such a delight, specially when she thinks night is the time to wake every 2 hours and day is the time for long
School is great and I don't know what was in the air last Friday but all the kids seemed to be so happy. Was a great way to end the week. Lets hope it continues this week and the rest of the term...fingers crossed.
Am busy with extra uni papers...musta been crazy to take on more but keeps me outta touble.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Elizabeth Cortez Houston Cassidy

Well at long last we have our new mokopuna, Elizabeth Cortez Houston Cassidy weighing in at 8lbs 4 oz. my poor girl had been in labour since Thursday morning and finally agreed to a C Section on Saturday morning. They are both doing well and baby is feeding well. Pictures above of baby at about 2 hours old and also the happy couple.
Realised just looking at them that i hadnt reset the date on the camerawhen i changed the battery, official birthday is the 16th but of Aprill Huggz to all, the world is a wonderful place...right now.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
so much has happened....
As I write this Fern is in the early stages of labour with her wee baby... well not so wee really as they estimate baby's weight at about 8lbs+ from last weeks scan. Poor wee Fern is more like it, she is such a tiny little thing herself but she is looking forward to having baby and being able to stand up straight
Jacob's baby should have been due next month but when we went for the 5 month scan around the time school started, baby had passed away. His girlfriend Amy gave birth 2 days later and I was able to open my daughter, Moana, grave and we buried my wee mokopuna (grandchild) on top of her. Later in the same week my daughter Amy had a miscarriage. It's been a difficult time ans I have to say that I am so glad I am a teacher and had to keep on going to school. There is always a challenge there to keep you going and looking ahead and the kids are great.
We had school photos this week and a staff photo too, maybe when we get the proofs back I will scan and load it up on here. That has to be good for a chuckle.......ha ha ha. Well going to get some sleep as I am expecting to be woken early hours in the morning to welcome a new mokopuna into the world. Love to all.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Grandkids School Christmas Festival

Went along to two of my grandkids school christmas festival on Thursday night. They were performing an Indian dance in full Indian costume. They were great, last year they performed in a Tongan group. They are both in a bi-lingual Maori class so maybe next year they will be doing These are my eldest son, Karl's, two children.
Slides at the pools.

OK one of these is the slide from the bombing pool down to one of the bottom pools and there is another slide from another pool that has an easier slope and goes down to another pool at the bottom. The other pic is the bombing pool which is very deep, your ears are popping before you can touch the bottom. The pic dosent really do justice to the amazing "bombs" that the kids were doing, I got saturated just watching.
Class day at the pools

Had a wonderful day at the pools with three of our classes, the bombing pool was by far the highlight especially for the boys!!!!
All the students had MacDonalds for lunch (and the teachers)
Just one more week at school for teachers doing our planning etc for next year and then holidays...wooohoooo.
It's been a full on term this term and I am ready for a break.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Snow in summer

What a great day we had today. The Junior school years 0 to 3 all went to Snowplanet for a day out. It's an indoor snowfield and is bigger than these pics look, at least the size of two full size rugby fields side by side and they are in the process of extending it. Half of the kids went in to learn to ski whilst the rest of us had something to eat and then we swapped over. I came down the beginners slope 4 times, a little faster each time and didnt fall over once.....not bad for an old duck and 1st time on skis. 55 kids and 10 adults had a wonderful day but now my legs feel like they do when you ride a horse after not having been on one for a few years. Lmao wondering what I will be like tomorrow. What an awesome time we had. Next time I wanna have a go on a snowboard, can't be too different from handling a surfboard. Go Grannie, Go!!!!